BB5 Easy Service Tool - Updates and News
BEST Ver. 1.08 uploaded on support area.
- USB flashing improoved- UFS support added
- Updated flashloaders
- Improoved RAPUYAMA/Rap3gV4/Broadcomm flashing
- Improoved N96 flashing
- Improoved S60 RAPIDO flashing
- Improoved old S40 boot/flashing
- Improoved S40 dead mode cntent writing especialy for old models
- Improoved AfterFlash operations
- Added Certificate (NPC/CCC/HWC) backup in USB normal/Dead flashing
- Some cosmetic changes and bugfixes
- RPL read added for new BB5
- All service operations are supported
- All user data operations are supported
- User Data operations improoved
- Also can be used for dead-to-test mode without need select flash-files
- Service operations improoved
- S60 Symbian 9.3/9.4 phonebook write activated for some special cases
- DCT4+ gallery/SMS read improoved
Download link
- E-series code reading improoved
- FunLabel improoved
- SelfTest improoved (especialy for new phones)
- Improoved and rebuilded connection for DCT4+/Infineon/WD2 phones
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